JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has on Monday (Nov. 17) re-examined Sutan Bhatoegana and Tri Yulianto, two politicians from former President SBY’s Democratic Party and former members of the Energy Commission, related to further investigation into allegation of receiving gratification through the so-called holiday bonuses (THR).

KPK’s Head for News & Information Priharsa Nugraha said KPK will examine Bhatoegana as a suspect in the case. Yulianto, meanwhile, will be questioned as a witness for Bhatoegana.

Other than that, Priharsa revealed that KPK will also examine two other witnesses today. The said witnesses are Waryono Karno, former Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM), and Didi Dwi Sutrisnohadi, former the ESDM Ministry’s Head of Finance Bureau.

As reported earlier, according to KPK’s minutes of investigation (BAP) on the former SKK Migas Head Rudi Rubiandini dated Sep. 4, 2013, Rudi said he delivered US$200,000 in July 2013 to Sutan Bhatoegana through Tri Yulianto, as a request from Bhatoegana. Rudi said Bhatoegana, who at that time served as Head of the House of Representatives (DPR) Energy Commission VII, requested the money to be delivered to the members and leaders of the Energy Commission.

KPK had named Bhatoegana as suspect on May. 14. KPK had also imposed travel ban to Bhatoegana and Tri Yulianto. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)