JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Investment company PT Bhakti Investama Tbk (BHIT), controlled by Hary Tanoesoedibjo, had in July 19, 2013 bought 51.06 million shares of PT Global Mediacom Tbk (BMTR), priced at 2,350 per share, or Rp120 billion in total.

Bhakti Investama said the share purchase aims for boosting its strategic ownership.

As of June 2013, BHIT held 52.15% BMTR shares, UBS AG Singapore owned 5.09% and the rest was held by public investors.

BHIT had raised US$365 million from global bond issue.

At 3.26 pm Jakarta time, BHIT lost 1.1% to Rp455 per share, while BMTR dropped 2.1% to Rp2,325 per share.