JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (BABP), formerly known as PT Bank ICB Bumiputera Tbk, mulls to launch the rights issue program in the fourth quarter of this year, targeting to raise Rp500 billion funds.

Currently BABP manages capital of Rp1.3 trillion, bank under BUKU 2 category with core capital of between Rp1 trillion to Rp5 trillion.

The rights issue proceeds will be used to fund the business expansion and to boost its bank capital adequacy ration (CAR) to 18% from current 15%.

BABP targets 30% business growth for this year. Its loan grew by 13% to Rp6.6 trillion in the first half of this year. Third party funds rose 29% to Rp8.2 trillion.