JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk (BACA) plans to launch rights issue, then the company will seek shareholders’ approval on extraordinary general meeting (EGM) scheduled on September 25, 2013.

As of June 2013, Bank Capital has total capital of Rp654.96 billion, of which core capital accounts for Rp598.87 billion.

Bank Capital is categorized in BUKU I with capital of less than Rp1 trillion. The bank targets to raise fresh fund of maximum Rp450 billion, including via rights issue.

Bank Capital booked net profit of Rp38 billion in first half of this year, soared 137% from Rp16 billion in the same period of last year.

Meanwhile PT Bank Mayapada Tbk (MAYA) targets to raise Rp301.45 billion to Rp357.49 billion via rights issue. It plans to issue 386.48 million new shares, representing 12.5% of its enlarged capital. The exercise price is set for Rp780-925 per unit. Brilliant Bazaar Pte will act as standby buyer for rights issue of Bank Mayapada.