JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Astra Agro Lestari (AALI) sold 132,000 tons of crude palm oil (CPO) last month, inched up 1.3% only from July 2012.
Average monthly price of CPO for July was Rp7068/Kg (net), slightly higher than June (Rp7003/Kg), but significantly lower than July 2012 (Rp7405/Kg).
For Jan-July 2013, AALI sold 884,180 tons of CPO, grew 14.1% from the corresponding period of 2012, while average selling price declined by 14% to Rp6702/Kg.
Kernel sales, meanwhile, jumped 71.5% to 186,191 tons. Unfortunately, kernel’s average price dropped 25.1% to Rp2967 per Kg (net) in the period.