JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Akil Mochtar, the disgraced former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, would face the first trial held Thursday (Feb 20) as a graft defendant in a bribery scandal related to the handling of post-election dispute during his term at the country’s highest judiciary court.

The trial will be this afternoon held at the Jakarta Corruption Court.

Akil had been named as suspect in two cases; graft case in handling of post-election disputes in Lebak regency (Banten) and Gunung Mas regency (Central Kalimantan) and money laundering act.

Akil earlier admitted, when testified as witness for three other suspects in a graft case, he had asked for Rp3 billion in bribes as a fee for handling the post-election dispute of Gunung Mas regency.

Today, Kompas reported that Akil is alleged for abusing his power and receiving bribe money in handling of post-election disputes in 13 other regions as follows;

1) Palembang city (Rp20 billion)
2) Empat Lawang regency (Rp10 billion and US$500,000)
3) South Lampung regency (Rp500 million),
4) Morotai Island regency (Rp2.9 billion)
5) Central Tapanuli regency (Rp1.8 billion)
6) Buton (Rp1 billion)
7) Banten province (Rp7.5 billion)
8) Jayapura city
9) Nduga regency
10) Merauke regency
11) Asmat regency
12) Boven Digoel regency
13) East Java province

For list 8-13 of regencies, Akil expects to get a combined fee of Rp10 billion. KPK might charge Akil with a lifetime sentence in prison. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)