JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Popular Jakarta vice governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has just been assigned ambassador of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Indonesia’s Save Our Sharks (SOS) Campaign. He appeals to restaurateurs in Jakarta to stop serving shark’s fin soup.

“Jakarta City Administration is preparing a bylaw, which is an implementing regulation of a ministerial decree, asking restaurant business owners to stop serving or trading shark’s products and derivatives,” said Basuki in a press statement released by WWF Indonesia Saturday (June 15).

(Basuki was with Davina, another Ambassador of the campaign, in the above picture taken by Desmarita Murni from WWF Indonesia).

That means Jakarta joins other major cities worldwide in an effort to stop shark finning. WWF said about 8,000 tons of shark’s fins are traded worldwide annually.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) places Indonesia in the highest ranking of 20 largest countries in the shark’s fin trading.