JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Popular Jakarta Vice Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama is criticized by his own political party, Gerindra, as his efforts, along with DKI Jakarta governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, on overcoming the city’s problems are viewed to have disadvantaged the party ahead of 2014 elections.

Gerindra, meanwhile, denied rumours saying it has criticized Ahok and wants to dismiss him. Gerindra, through its official twitter account, stated that the party always fully supports Ahok to resolve the capital city’s problems.

Talking to the audiences in the so-called 2013 Rembug Provinsi (provincial discussion) event held on Monday (Dec. 2) at the Lumire Hotel Jakarta, Ahok said that his and Jokowi’s efforts to resolve the city’s problems are challenged by their political parties.

Ahok said his party does not support the efforts such as disciplining street vendors (PKL) and sterilizing the exclusive Transjakarta bus lanes (from trespassers and other violators).

Ahok added Gerindra also demands the Jakarta administration to issue these policies, viewed as unpopular by Gerindra, after the 2014 elections.

“It’s all about my promise to make Pak Jokowi become a suscessful Jakarta Governor. Pak Governor and I said, if our parties want to dismiss us, let it be. We just want to educating those silly Jakartans,” Ahok added. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)