JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Vice Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama calmly to face protest by the hardline Islamic group Islam Defenders Front (FPI) who rejects Ahok’s appointment as new Jakarta governor next month.

FPI plans to hold a demonstration against Ahok on Wednesday (September 24). While Ahok is scheduled to be sworn in as new governor of Jakarta City next month.

“No big deal. I’ve been frequently protested. Even SBY (President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) has been protested for ten years but he didn’t step down. So, look at my face, do I worry?” Ahok said while laughing, as quoted by Detik.com on Tuesday (September 23).

Ahok said that it is the people’s rights to stage a rally to express their voices. He just hopes that the FPI members will hold the rally peacefully.

The former Belitung Timur Regent, however, stated that he might file a report against the FPI should the hardline Islamic group rejected him to be sworn in as new Jakarta governor just because religion and racial issues.

Ahok, a Christian and a Chinese descent, is set to make a history as the first Chinese Governor of the capital city of Jakarta should be he sworn in as Jokowi’s successor in October. The 48-year-old former Gerindra Party politician earlier revealed he would focus on the development of
infrastructure, bureaucracy, education, and tourism sectors soon after being installed as new Jakarta governor. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)