JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Attorney General Office (AGO) has not yet come to its decision to name any suspect in the Freeport scandal involving the Speaker of the House Setya Novanto and businessman Mohammad Reza Chalid.

But the Attorney General HM Prasetyo said the AGO also sees indication of corruption act alongside of ethical issue from recorded conversation between Novanto, Reza, and Freeport Indonesia’s CEO Maroef Sjamsoeddin.

“We are still analyzing who is potential to be named as suspect and who isn’t,” Prasetyo, who is also a politician from Surya Paloh’s Nasdem Party, said.

As reported earlier, the AGO has speed up its investigation into the Freeport scandal. The AGO has questioned Maroef and Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said as witnesses in the case. The AGO has also seized Maroef’s mobile phone, in which the original tape of conversation between Maroef, Novanto and Reza is stored. The AGO said that the recorded conversation is a legal evidence.

The AGO, moreover, will soon to summon Novanto and Reza for examination session. But Reza, according to the Immigration office, has flew abroad since last week. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)