JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Attorney General Office (AGO) has revealed its plan to soon summon House Speaker Setya Novanto and businessman Mohammad Reza Chalid for questioning session in the coming days related to further investigation into the scandal implicating both figures allegedly of asking for Freeport Indonesia’s shares and promising a favor to the company.

The AGO, however, has not yet revealed on when they will summon Novanto and Reza.

Other than Novanto and Reza, the AGO also plans to summon other related parties to give their testimonies as witnesses in the case.

As reported earlier, the AGO has questioned the CEO of PT Freeport Indonesia Rear Air Marshal (ret) Maroef Sjamsoeddin as a witness in the case for twice. The former deputy head of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) for 2011-2014 period was questioned by the AGO on Thursday (Dec. 3) morning and early this morning (Dec. 4), just after finishing his examination session in the ethics council (MKD) of the House of
Representatives (DPR).

The AGO, moreover, has also summoned Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said for questioning session. Sudirman, however, failed to answer the AGO’s call due to certain reason. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)