JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Anti-Corruption Special Task Force (Satgasus) of the Attorney General Office (AGO) has seized Rp500 million cash money belonged to Zuherli, one of suspects in the corruption case of medical equipment procurement at the Raden Mattaher Hospital in Jambi province.

Zuherli along with Mulia Idris Rambe have earlier been named suspects in this case by the AGO. The two suspects even have been detained since May 19, 2015.

Both Zuherli and Mulia were alleged for marking up the budget of the procurement of medical equipment at the Raden Mattaher Hospital during the fiscal year of 2011 worth Rp49.9 billion. The AGO estimated Rp2.5 billion State of losses from this case.

The AGO has charged both suspects with Article 2 letter e of the Anti-Corruption Law No. 20/2001 juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code (KUHP).

Zuherli is known as Director of PT Sindang Muda Serasan (SMS), a company that winning the tender of medical equipment procurement project for the Raden Mattaher Hospital. Mulia, meanwhile, is the Raden Mattaher Hospital’s Director for General Facilities as well as a commitment making official (PPK) of said medical equipment procurement project. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)