JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Attorney General Office, under the leadership of a politician from Surya Paloh’s Nasdem Party HM. Prasetyo, claimed for detaining around 68 graft suspects during the first semester of 2015.

The AGO’s Spokesperson Amir Yanto told Kompas.com on Tuesday (Oct. 21) that said 68 graft suspects have been detained at the Salemba detention center in Central Jakarta, the Cipinang detention center and the Pondok Bambu detention center in East Jakarta.

Furthermore, Amir said the AGO is also working on investigating tens of delayed cases from the period of 2010-2014 that dragged down 79 other suspects.

Unfortunately, Amir didn’t reveal more details about the identity of the suspects and the cases that implicating them.

The AGO is now under the spotlight for its poor performance during the first year of Jokowi-Kalla administration. Civil society groups, including the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), have urged President Jokowi to replace Prasetyo. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)