JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Chevron Indonesia Company, unit of major oil company Chevron, was imposed Rp2.5 billion in fines by The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) following tender discrimination committed by the company.

In the verdict read on Thursday, KPPU commissioners declared that Chevron was proven guilty infringed anti monopoly law with violating article 19 d of Law No 5/1999. The article regulated that any business operator shall not committed monopoly or unfair business competition through discrimination practice against the other business operator.

The anti monopoly law infringement leads KPPU to drop Rp2.5 billion fine toward Chevron Indonesia Company. KPPU, however, did not find any violation committed by PT Worley Parson Indonesia as the other reported party.

“The commissioner also declared that PT Worley Parsons Indonesia, as the second reported party, did not violate article 19 d of Law No 5/1999,” as quoted in the verdict read by KPPU commissioner consist of Nawir Messi, Saidah Sakwan, and Syarkawi Rauf.

KPPU started the investigation following Resume Monitoring investigation of the monopoly indication. Chevron as the tender holder was accused of discriminating PT Wood Group Indonesia in the Export Pipeline Front End Engineering & Design Contract No C732791. The tender value was estimated for US$4.69 billion. (written by Indra Budiari)