JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Hotman Sitompul confirmed that his client, media mogul and the owner of MNC Group Hary Tanoesoedibjo, has sent a short message service (SMS) to the Attorney General Office (AGO) investigator in charge in the fraudulent tax restitution of PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk(Mobile-8).

But Hotman denied that the revealing SMS text sent by his client was attempted to put pressure on an AGO investigator namely Yulianto.

Hotman, moreover, accused that AGO didn’t understand about the Tax Law for investigating the Mobile-8 tax restitution case.

Previously, the Attorney General HM Prasetyo told the the members of the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III regarding Hary Tanoe’s SMS text to one of his investigators in charge of the Mobile-8 tax restitution case. Prasetyo even read a part of Hary Tanoe’s SMS.

In a related progress, Yulianto has filed a report to the National Police’s Criminal Investigation Division (Bareskrim POLRI) against Hary Tanoe as he alleged Hary for violating Article 29 of Law 11/2008 on Electronic Information & Transaction (ITE).