JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Speaker of the House Setya Novanto, a politician from Golkar Party, arrived at the court the House of Representatives’ ethics council (MKD DPR) on Monday (Dec. 7) afternoon to be examined on allegation of abusing his power by promising a favor to PT Freeport Indonesia.

Novanto arrived at around 1: 50 pm of Jakarta time.

Initially, the MKD is scheduled to examine Novanto this morning at around 9:00 am. But Novanto asked the MKD to delay the trial to 1:00 pm.

Last week, the MKD has questioned Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said and CEO of PT Freeport Indonesia Rear Air Marshal (ret) Maroef Sjamsoeddin as witnesses in the case.

The MKD has also summoned businessman Mohammad Reza Chalid for examination session last Thursday (Dec. 3). But Reza failed to answer the call for unclear reason. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)