JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Attorney General Office (AGO) has on Monday (Dec. 7) morning questioned Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM) related to further investigation into the scandal implicating House Speaker Setya Novanto and businessman Mohammad Reza Chalid allegedly promising a favor to PT Freeport Indonesia.

Minister Sudirman arrived at the AGO since around 8:00 am of Jakarta time. The AGO questioned him as a witness in this case.

Previously, the AGO has already questioned CEO of PT Freeport Indonesia Rear Air Marshal (ret) Maroef Sjamsoeddin, also a witness in the case.

The AGO is also expected to soon summon Novanto, a politician from Aburizal “Ical” Bakrie’s Golkar, and Reza for questioning. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)