JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said is expected this afternoon (Dec. 2) to testify in the first trial of the ethics council (MKD) of the House of Representatives (DPR) regarding allegation of ethical violation committed by the Speaker of the House Setya Novanto related to his meeting with the leader of PT Freeport Indonesia.

The hearing session is scheduled to be held at around 1:00 PM of Jakarta time at the Parliament building in Senayan, Central Jakarta.

The MKD, in a voting last night, eventually agreed to hold an ethics trial over Novanto, who is also a politician from the Golkar Party. About 11 out of 17 members of the MKD voted for holding an ethics trial over Novanto, while 6 others rejected the trial.

The ethics trial over Novanto is a follow up from the report filed by Minister Sudirman to the MKD against Novanto. In Sudirman’s report, Novanto is alleged of abusing his power by promising a favor to Freeport Indonesia. Sudirman also provided a transcript and an original wiretap to the MKD.

Novanto, meanwhile, has repeatedly denied all allegations made against him. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)