JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Patrice Rio Capella, graft suspect and former Secretary General of Nasdem Party, is expected to face his first trial at the Jakarta Corruption Eradication Court on Monday (Nov. 9) in bribery case related to the embezzlement of North Sumatra administration’s social assistance funds.

Patrice has been named as suspect on October 15, 2015. He is alleged for receiving Rp200 million in bribe from the Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho and his wife Evy Susanti as a fee for tampering the investigation on the embezzlement of the North Sumatra administration’s social funds.

Patrice, as reported earlier, has approved KPK’s offer for becoming a justice collaborator in the case. He has also revoked his pre-trial lawsuit he filed to the Central Jakarta district court to challenge KPK’s decision on naming him as graft suspect.

Patrice case has dragged down, among others, Chairman of Nasdem Surya Paloh as a witness in the case. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)