JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – State electricity firm PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) suffered loss of Rp27.4 trillion in the third quarter of 2015, mainly due to foreign exchange (forex) loss of Rp45.7 trillion.

While sales of electricity grew by 15.56% to Rp153.9 trillion, from previous Rp133.3 trillion. The total customers reached 60.3 million, grew by 13.78% from 56.5 customers as at September 2014.

The electricity subsidy decined to Rp45.9 trillion, from earlier Rp83.35 trillion. Operating expenses also declined 7.45% to Rp164.7 trillion from prevous year Rp177.9 trillion. Expense of fuel dropped 50.93% to Rp27.4 trillion from Rp55.9 trillion a year earlier.

PLN booked operating profit of Rp41.8 trillion, down 3.63% from Rp43.6 trillion in January-September 2014 period. Its assets totaled Rp632.9 trillion.