JAYAPURA (Yosefardi) – Around eight aircrafts have been deployed to help the search & rescue team (SAR) to find and to evacuate the victims of the crashed Tigana Air PK-YRN type ATR 42.

According to Commander of the Jayapura Airbase (Lanud) Col. I Made Susila Adyana to Antara news agency on Tuesday (Aug. 18), the eight aircraft deployed to the location of the crashed Tigana Air in Bintang Mountains in Jayapura, Papua, are Philatus aircraft belonging to Susi Air, Twin Otter and ATR belonging to Trigana Air, Caravan belonging to AMA, Heli Bell belonging to Airfast, and MI chopper belonging to the Indonesian Army (TNI AD).

The Ministry of Transportation earlier confirmed the finding of the body of the crashed Tigana Air at the height of 8,300 feet of Bintang Mountains.

The Tigana Air PK-YRN that carried 5 crews and 49 passengers on board was reportedly missing on Sunday (Aug. 16). The plane initially expected to arrive at Oksibil Airport from Jayapura at around 3:04 pm of local time.(haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)