JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Director of PT Soegih Interjaya Willy Sebastian Liem, convicted for bribing Suroso Atmo Martoyo, former Pertamina’s Director for Processing in a long-delayed bribery case implicating Innospec, has been executed to the Sukamiskin detention center in Bandung, West Java.

According to Spokesperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Priharsa Nugraha, Willy has been brought to the Sukamiskin yesterday after deciding online casino to file no appeal against the verdict from the Jakarta Corruption Court that sentenced him to three years in jail.

As reported earlier, the court concluded that Willy has been proven guilty for bribing Suroso with USD190,000 in order to secure the sales of tetraethyl lead (TEL), an additive used in the production of unleaded gasoline, from Innospec to Pertamina.

In addition, panel of judges also ordered Willy to pay Rp5 million of fine or serving additional three months imprisonment.

Other than Willy, the KPK has also named Suroso as suspect in this case. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)