JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Two global investment firms, Welby Capital Ltd and Blossom Global Assets Ltd commit to buy 4.46 billion new shares of PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG), representing 10% of ENRG enlarged shares capital, at price of Rp100 per share.

ENRG plans to launch this private placement in the third quarter of this year, targeting to raise Rp446.42 billion funds. Welby will absorb 2.28 billion shares or 4.66% while Global Assets will buy 2.17 billion shares or 4.43%.

Meanwhile, Unitika Ltd launches the tender offer to buy 833,285 shares of garment producer PT Unitex Tbk (UNTX) at price of Rp5305 per share.

The tender offer is scheduled for Augusts 11, 2015 to September 10, 2015. After tender offer, Unitex will go private or de-list its shares from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).