JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Attorney General Office (AGO) has seized Rp74 billion cash money deposited in Bank Indonesia (BI) from graft convict and former taxman Gayus Halomoan Tambunan, Antara state-news agency reported on Monday (Nov. 17).

AGO’s Spokesperson Tony T Spontana explained that the Rp74 billion cash money is a part of Gayus’ assets, the evidences in graft and money laundering cases implicating the former taxman.

Tony said the Rp74 billion Gayus cash money will be deposited to the state treasury.

Previously, Gayus got 30 years imprisonment for proven guilty in several cases, including the cases of graft, money laundering, gratification, and falsification of passport. In addition, Gayus was also ordered to pay Rp1 billion in fine.

Gayus made appeal against the verdict. But the Supreme Court, in its cassation verdict, rejected Gayus’ appeal last year. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)