JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has on Friday (September 19) summoned Liza Sako, the second wife of Palembang Mayor Romi Herton, for a questioning related to further investigation into bribery scandal implicating her husband and former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Akil Mochtar.

KPKS’s Spokesperson Priharsa Nugraha confirmed that Liza will be questioned as witness for Romi Herton and his first wife Masyitoh, two suspects in the case.

Priharsa added KPK also summoned some witnesses for the Friday’s questioning. They are three Romi’s adjutants (Herton Jimmy, Martin Marpaung and Satria Afriadi), Muhtar Ependy (reportedly a middleman between Romi and Akil), and  three officials from CV Ratu Samagat (Rudi, Rika Fatmawati and Risna Hasrilianti).

As reported earlier, KPK has named Romi and Masyitoh as suspects since June 16. Romi, a PDI-P politician, through his wife, allegedly bribed Akil Mochtar with a total Rp15 billion cash money to favor his lawsuit in Palembang election dispute in 2013.

Akil Mochtar, meanwhile, has been sentenced with a life time in prison. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)