JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The anti-terrorism unit Detachment 88 discovered a packaged bomb sent from Surabaya, East Java, to Makassar, South Sulawesi on Friday (March 21). The two homemade bombs were seized in the JNE office, a logistic courier services company, in Wajo Sengkang, Makassar.

The terrorist group plans to explode the bombs at the some dodgy shady stalls (locally called warung remang-remang) in Luwu district, South Sulawesi.

“They have surveyed the target location and would explode the bomb in Barabba Balopa, Luwu district,” the National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Ronny Franky Sompie told the press Friday (March 21).

Ronny said the terrorist group had actually planned to explode the homemade bombs in Surabaya but they found no right timing. Hence they changed their target location.

Previously this month, the Anti-Terrorism Squad also arrested BA and AL, two terrorist suspects in two different locations (Jakarta and Bengkulu). BA was arrested in Jakarta on Thursday (March 13) and AL was arrested on Wednesday (March 19).

The two suspects have been listed in the people search list by national police for involving in number of terror act and military training in Poso, Central Sulawesi. (oktofani@yosefardi.biz)