JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Constitutional Court has rejected the judicial review request for the Presidential Election Law No.42/2008 filed by Yusril Ihza Mahendra, a patron leader and presidential hopeful from the Muslim-based Crescent Star party (PBB).

With the court decision read on Thursday (March 20), the legislative and presidential elections would still be held simultaneously starting 2019 and presidential threshold mechanism which stipulated in article 9 of the Presidential Election Law would still be applied.

As reported earlier, Yusril requested the court will grant a part of his judicial review request, among others (1) to held legislative and presidential elections simultaneously this year; and (2) to revoke article 9 of the Presidential Election Law which stipulates presidential threshold, requiring a minimum 25% of national votes or 20% of parliamentary seats for any political party or coalition of political parties in endorsing presidential and vice presidential pair. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)