SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Arc Exploration reported first bench results at Singgahan prospect confirm gold-copper-molybdenum anomalism in bedrock beneath soil anomaly.

Anomalous gold-copper-molybdenum intercepts returned uncluding 140m at 0.045 ppm Au, 386 ppm Cu & 4 ppm Mo and 100m at 0.063 ppm Au, 276 ppm Cu & 5 ppm Mo.

Further benching is in progress and the results will be integrated with detailed geological mapping, spectral analyses to identify alteration minerals, and airborne magnetics & radiometrics data to further define the target.

A program of grid-based soil sampling covering the south-eastern corner of the Trenggalek IUP, including Singgahan, and geological mapping are also in progress to identify new targets. This work is estimated to be completed in about six weeks.