JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) has warned Tri Rismaharini to remain loyal to the party and just focus on her duty as the Mayor of Surabaya, East Java, instead of publicly venting personal and trivial thoughts (locally called “curhat”).

Puan Maharani, one of PDI-P key leaders, delivered the warning to Risma when talking with journalists at the parliament building on Monday (Feb. 24).

The head of PDI-P faction at the House of Representatives (DPR) said the internal frictions between PDI-P’s regional executives of East Java and Surabaya and Risma have been resolved.

“I’m ready to facilitate Bu Risma (to meet Megawati Soekarnoputri). That’s a kind of defamation if some said Bu Mega does not want to meet Bu Risma,” said Puan, daughter of Megawati.

Puan noted that PDI-P is aware about the growing electability of Risma as potential presidential candidate, and also aware to certain parties’ efforts to prompt Risma to be out from PDI-P.

As reported earlier, Risma got a huge media coverage, including an exclusive interview with Metro TV, in the past two weeks following her plan to resign as Surabaya Mayor.

PDI-P elites, including its Secretary General Tjahjo Kumolo, meanwhile, shared their views on a black campaign set in motion to weaken PDI-P ahead of the elections and also an attempt from certain parties to hi-jack its potential leader in Risma’s case. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)