SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Newcrest Mining Ltd recorded 4.2 million dry tons of mineral resources, consisting of 13 g/t Au gold grade and 20 g/t Ag silver grad for Gosowong, Halmahera island, North Maluku province, as of December 2013.

Gosowong is owned and operated by PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, an incorporated joint venture company (Newcrest, 75%) and PT Antam (25%).

The Gosowong mineral resource estimate is a combination of resource estimated for the Kencana orebodies, Toguraci orebodies, Gosowong open pit, Gosowong tailings and stockpiles.

Tenure over all Gosowong deposits is covered by a 6th generation contract of work No.B.143/PRES/3/1997. The deposits are relatively moderate to low in dip averaging around 40-50 degrees in the Kencana-Gosowong structural corridor and sub-vertical in the Toguraci corridor.