JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Recent survey from Jakarta Survey Institute (LSJ) shows further decline of electability for five Islamic political parties ahead of 2014 elections. LSJ found the Islamic parties’ electability dropped to less than 5%. PPP’s electability reached 4.83%, the highest among Islamic parties. Trailing behind are PKB with 4.67%, PAN 4.51%, PKS 3.87%, and PBB with 1.2% electability.

Otherwise, LSJ found nationalist parties’ electability continue rising, except President SBY’s Democratic Party and PKPI which only grabbed 6.12% and 0.24% each. LSJ’s survey still placed PDI-P at the top level with electability of 19.83%, followed by Golkar 17.74%, Gerindra 12.58%, Nasdem 6.94%, and Hanura with 6.85% electability. Previously, several surveys from other polling agencies also showed further decline of Islamic parties’ electability.

Kompas, the largest newspaper in the country, predicted four Islamic parties would fail to pass the 3.5% of parliamentary threshold, a minimum requirement for political party to have seat at the House of Representatives (DPR).

The said four Islamic parties are PKS, PPP, PAN, and PBB. In 2009 election, four Islamic parties grabbed 4-7% of votes; PKS 7.89%, PAN 6.03%, PPP 5.32%, and PKB 4.95%. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)