JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Deddy Kusdinar, graft defendant and former Chief of Financial and Internal Affairs Bureau at the Ministry of Youth & Sports, disclosed the delivery of Rp5 billion cash money to Andi Zulkarnain Mallarangeng aka Choel Mallarangeng during the trial of Hambalang graft case at the Jakarta Corruption Court.

On the Tuesday’s trial, Deddy told the panel of judges that he was ordered by Wafid Muharram, serving as Secretary General of the Youth & Sports’ Ministry at the time, to deliver four boxes to Choel’s private residence.

Deddy said was later told by Wafid that that four boxes contained cash money. Wafid also revealed that his brother Andi Alfian Mallarangeng had not received such a gift or money while serving as Minister of Youth & Sports for a year.

Poniran, another official of the Youth & Sports’ Ministry and witness for the case, testified that the four boxes were provided by President Director of PT Assa Nusa Indonesia, Saul Paulus David Nelwan aka Paul Nelwan.

The Hambalang graft case had dragged a lot of high-profile names as suspects. Besides Deddy Kusdinar, four other suspects in the case are Andi Alfian Mallarangeng (former Minister of Youth and Sports and President SBY’s Democratic Party politician), Anas Urbaningrum (the ousted Chairman of Democratic Party), Teuku Bagus Muhammad (Director of PT Adhi Karya Tbk), and Mahfud Suros (Director of PT Dutasari Citralaras). (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)