JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Bosowa Group plans to invest Rp4 trillion next year for boosting its market share in Java island. This year, it allocates investment of Rp2.5 trillion.

Bosowa will inaugurate its 2 projects this month; LPG terminal and cement mill in Makassar.

Next year, Bosowa will build new cement mill in Cilegon with investment cost of Rp1.5 trillion. The construction of this new mill is scheduled for March 2014 and expected to commence operation by end of 2015. This mill will have capacity of 1.5 million tons per year.

The funding for cement mill project in Cilegon will be sourced from the company’s internal cash (30%) and banks loan. Currently Bosowa only holds 3-4% market share in Java island.

Bosowa will also allocate capital expenditure (capex) for next year to builD coal-fired power plant with capacity of 300 MW in Makassar.