JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Boubyan Bank increased its ownership in PT Bank Muamalat Tbk to 22% from previous 19.03% after recently the bank issued 2.81 billion new shares, priced at Rp480 per share.

Bank Muamalat raised Rp1.35 trillion from that rights issue. National Bank of Kuwait also increased its ownership in Bank Muamalat to 8.45% from earlier 6%. While other major shareholders maintained their ownerships in the bank.

Islamic Development Bank holds 32.74%, Atwill Holding Limited 17.91%, and IDF Foundation 3.48%. Other shareholders are Abdul Rohim, Rizal Ismael, BMF Holdings Limited, and Kopkapindo. Bank Muamalat targets to boost its core capital to Rp5 trillion next year from current Rp4 trillion.