SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Cue Energy Resources Ltd reported Naga Utara-2 well is now drilled at a depth of 5,961 ft MDKB (1,8170m).

The well is located in the onshore portion of the Kutei Basin on the island of Kalimantan (Borneo). Naga Utara-2 is operated by SPC Mahakam Hilir Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd.

The well is the third to be drilled by the Mahakam Hilir Joint Venture and will appraise the gas shows seen in Miocene-age sandstones at Naga Utara-1.

Cue Mahakam Hilir Pty Ltd holds 40% participating interests in the Mahakam Hilir PSC while SPC Mahakam Hilir Pte Ltd controls 60% and is the operator.