JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Domestic cement sales grew by 5.7% to 52.74 million tons in January-November 2013 period, compared to 49.85 million tons in the same period of last year, along with increasing infrastructure projects.

In November, domestic cement sales reached 5.64 millin tons, compared to 5.23 million tons in previous month. Indonesian Cement Association (ASI) predicts domestic cement sales to reach 58 million tons.

In 2014, domestic cement production is predicted to reach 70 million tons while cement sales to reach 62.5 million tons.

Though the domestic cement intalled production capacity is sufficient to serve domestic demand, the government still imported 1.5 tons of cement this year.

Semen Indonesia holds 44% market share, followed by Indocement 30% and Holcim Indonesia 15%, and others 11%. Cement consumption is targeted to grow by 8% to 60 million tons this year, compared to 54.9 million tons in 2012.