JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Nur Pamudji has resigned from its position as president director of state electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), as he is now involved on a corruption case.

Media reported this morning that Pamudji opted to resign as he views to have failed in protecting his stuffs from being declared as suspects on a corruption allegation.

Pamudji had in November 28, 2013 was summoned as witness by the attorney general for a corruption allegation on turbin flame supply project for 12 power plants in Belawan for 2007-2009 period with a total value of Rp23.98 billion.

The Attorney General had declared 5 stuffs of PT PLN Pembangkitan Sumatera Bagian Utara as suspects on the projects. They are former general manager Albert Pangaribuan, manager for planning Edward Silitonga, Ferdinand Ritonga, manager of production Fahmi Rizal Lubis, and Robert Manyuazar, head of comittee for the project auction.