JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Immigration Office has imposed overseas travel ban on Irianto Muhyi, a staff of Sutan Bhatoegana, Democratic Party politician and Chairman of the House Commission VII, related to investigation into graft scandals at the powerful upstream oil & gas regulatory body (SKK Migas).

The overseas travel ban was imposed upon a request from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Bhatoegana confirmed the overseas travel ban imposed on his staff. He has also denied all allegations against him surrounding the so-called holiday bonuses (THR) from Rudi Rubiandini, the dismissed Chief of SKK Migas and one of suspects in the case, for members of the House Commission VII.

As reported earlier, KPK has questioned Bhatoegana on Nov. 27, 2013, related to the allegation of flow of funds from Rudi to him and other members of the House Commission VII.

According to KPK’s minutes of investigation (BAP) on Rudi Rubiandini dated Sep. 4, 2013, that Yosefardi News received, a part of SKK Migas bribery money worth US$200,000, was delivered by Rudi to Sutan Bhatoegana through Tri Yulianto (Democratic Party politicians and member of the House Commission VII) in July 2013.

Rudi said the money was delivered after Bhatoegana asked him to deliver the holiday bonuses (THR) for members of the House Commission VII. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)