JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Bank Mandiri (BMRI), the largest bank by total asset, has dropped to seventh largest on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) by market capitalization.

The bank dropped substantially from as high as Rp10,750 to close at Rp8150 on Friday (July 5th). At this price, Mandiri has market capitalization of Rp190.2 trillion, smaller than Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Rp191.2 trillion) and Bank Central Asia (Rp234.2 trillion).

Bank Mandiri’s gain evaporated to only 0.6%, while BRI and BCA gained 11.5% and 4.4% respectively year-to-date.

HM Sampoerna is still the largest company on IDX with market cap of Rp363.8 trillion, followed by Astra International (Rp273.3 trillion), BCA, Unilever, and Telkom Indonesia. Unilever gained 40.5% year-to-date, while Telkom advanced 21.5%.

Gudang Garam, second largest cigarette producer in Indonesia, meanwhile, returned to 9th ahead of Semen Indonesia even though GGRM lost 12.9% year-to-date, while Semen Indonesia slipped 1.6%.