SALT LAKE CITY (Indonesia Today) – Terra Systems, Inc. (TSYI) expands into Indonesia where it will use its patented coal drying technologies to process Low Rank Lignitic Coal (LRC) into high value, custom formulated briquettes to be sold for power generation throughout Asia.

Company President George Ford stated “Coal usage in the US is in decline, but in Asia it is rapidly expanding. This move will re-position Terra Systems to become a leading player for upgrading Indonesian coal. Our processes have been commercially proven at 28 plants here in the US, and we know we can replicate that again in Indonesia.”

The company is finalizing the takeover of a joint venture agreement from GeoPacific Energy Corporation on a 90,000-hectare (347 square mile) coal concession in Lampung, Indonesia that contains 2 Billion tons of proven and inferred reserves of LRC. The company expects to ship its first vessel of processed coal briquettes by the end of the year.

TSYI is a US coal technology company specializing in drying, processing and briquetting low grade coals using patented technologies developed over the last 20 years by its senior engineers. (Indonesia Today)