JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – Telecommunication giant PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Tbk (TLKM) plans to issue rupiah and dollar bonds for funding its capital expenditure (capex) of more than Rp20 trillion this year, Bisnis Indonesia reported this morning.

Honesti Basyir, Telkom’s finance director, said 40% of total capex, or Rp8 trillion, will be sourced from external financing.

He said other option of financing is export credit agency (ECA) from Japanese banks, amounting Rp3.6 trillion to Rp5.4 trillion, or 40-60% of Rp12 trillion capex. Telkom has treasury stock valuing of Rp1.8 trillion for supporting capex.

Telkom also plans to split its stock with ratio of one for five scheduled for second quarter of 2013, for boosting its trading liquidity.