JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – Life insurer PT Asuransi Jiwa Bringin Jiwa Sejahtera (Bringin Life) booked comprehensive profit of Rp180 billion in 2012, grew by 12.63% from Rp159.81 billion in 2011.

The company, 90.17% owned by pension fund of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Tbk (BBRI), booked net premium income of Rp1.58 trillion, a 21% rise compared to Rp1.3 trillion in 2011. It also booked income from investment of Rp273.24 billion. While expenses totaled Rp1.65 trillion.

Its assets totaled Rp3.59 trillion while liability amounted Rp2.63 trillion. (hans@theindonesiatoday.com)