MEDAN (Indonesia Today) – South Korea government through Korea Invironment Corporation (Keco) and Posco ICT will build gas production area using garbage called landfill gas in Binjai, North Sumatera, Bisnis Indonsia reported this morning.

Purnama Dewi, chairman of Investment Board in North Sumatera, said the first investment for the project total US$30 million, funded by Keco.

Binjai is near Medan city which produce 514 tons of garbages per day during 2010.

Korea Environment Corporation (KECO) has been established in order to handle environment related projects with maximum efficiency. These projects include : pollution prevention, environmental improvement, and resource re-circulation.??

In addition, KECO will be involved in the installation of a circulatory resource management system, and also the presentation of an environment friendly blue print for national development. (