JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – PT Supreme Energy has kicked off drilling of wells at Muaralaboh geothermal project in Solok Selatan, West Sumatra province.

Kontan business paper quoted Supramu Santosa, CEO of Supreme Energy, saying the drilling will be targeted on four to six wells in order to get better understanding about reserves.??The drilling needs six to nine months.

If proven, Supreme plans to build power plant facilities in 2014 with expected commercial date of operation in 2016. Total investment for Muaralaboh geothermal power plant could reach Rp7 trillion, while for exploration could be around US$100 million.

PT Supreme Energy and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) have signed the power purchase agreement for the power plant last March at US$0.094 per kWh. The Muaralaboh project is one of the projects under the second 10,000 MW program. (ferdi@theindonesiatoday.com)