JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – The National Police have revealed that at least 820 people have been killed in 4701 traffic accidents during the current exodus across the nation in the period of August 11 to August 25, 2012.

Millions of people leave big cities annually to celebrate Idul Fitri, the end of Ramadhan fasting month, with family and relatives in their hometowns, known as mudik.

On Friday, August 24, alone, there were 367 accidents killing 60 people, while 114 were severely injured.

Police spokesperson Boy Rafli Amar said at least 1,336 people were severely injured from the traffic accidents. Lack of discipline from drivers were mostly the main cause of accidents.

Number of people killed during this year’s mudik grew 16% over the same period last year, while those severely injured rose 11%. (haryanto@theindonesiatoday.com)