JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Hot topic among Indonesian journalists is a dinner hosted by businessman Oesman Sapta Odang at his hotel, The Stone, in Kuta Beach, Bali Thursday (June 13) night.

Online media reported in the past few hours that some chief editors left the venue after being annoyed by a surprise launching of Suara Pemred (Voice of Chief Editors) tabloid during the dinner. Oesman is the man behind Suara Pemred.

The first issue of the tabloid runs a headline ‘Who’s the 2014 President’, which profiled potential names like Gita Wirjawan, Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo, Dahlan Iskan, and Mahfud MD.

“This (Suara Pemred) will be the media for chief editors in expressing their aspirations…If you’re not comfortable in your current media, you’re welcomed to join,” Oesman said as quoted by Merdeka.com.

“This dinner is just too costly. Let’s get out,” one chief editor reportedly said.

“This is a ‘fait accompli’, the forum (for chief editors) has been manipulated,” other editor complained.

The dinner is part of the Summit of Chief Editors, sponsored by major corporations in the country, including state-owned companies.

Merdeka.com criticized chief editors saying ‘they forgot that there is no free lunch (dinner in this case)’….