JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Jusuf Kalla, former Vice President and former Chairman of Golkar Party, has finally rejected to join the primary of President SBY’s Democratic Party. Instead, he has expressed his willingness to become running mate of popular Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo, if PDI-P politician confirmed to take stand in next year’s presidential race.

Lieutenant General (ret) Suaidi Marasabessy, Secretary of the Committee of Democratic Party’s primary, revealed Kalla’s rejection to join the September convention.

“Yup, that’s true (Jusuf Kalla will definitely not join the primary). It is because he has ever served as Chairman of Golkar. And it’s unethical for him because if he later won the primary, he must become cadre of Democratic Party. We’re respected his choice,” said Suadi.

Kalla has repeatedly expressed his rejection to join Democratic Party’s primary. Kalla even expressed his willingness to accompany Jokowi to enter the presidential race.

“As long as beneficial to the people and the country, I’m ready to do that with Pak Jokowi. More importantly, if I joined altogether with Jokowi, people would say, it will be a harmony, a representation of Java and outside Java,” said Kalla as quoted by Kompas, Wednesday (Aug 28).

Democratic Party is currently busy selecting fifteen candidates for its upcoming primary. Jokowi was also invited to the primary but later he rejected the invitation.

Jokowi, based on the latest survey from the research center of Kompas newspaper, is a man to beat in next year’s presidential race. According to Kompas, Jokowi’s electability has soared to 32.5%, almost doubled from 17.7% in its previous survey in December 2012. Jokowi’s electability is far above other contenders, including Kalla.

However, there is not yet confirmation from PDI-P and its patron leader Megawati Soekarnoputri about whether or not they will let Jokowi to enter the presidential race. Jokowi himself has repeatedly stated that at the moment, he just want to focus with his duties as Jakarta Governor. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)