JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Shares of coal producers followed the market sentiment in red zone as Nymex crude oil soared 2.4% to US$111.6 per barrel.

Indo Tambangraya (ITMG) retreated almost 4%. while Bukit Asam lost 2.81%. These stocks have gained substantially from their respective bottom in recent weeks.

Bumi Resources and Adaro Energy also lost 2.44% and 1.2% respectively, while Borneo Lumbung and Berau Coal lost 1.5% and 2.13%.

In the region, China Shenhua and China Coal dropped 1% and 2.52% in Hong Kong, while BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto lost 2.3% and 2.64% in Sydney.

Oil and gas producers Energi Mega Persada (ENRG) and Medco Energi (MEDC) gained 4.2% and 7.14% respectively, but Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGAS) collapsed 5.6%. In the region, Santos Ltd down 1% in Sydney, while PetroChina conceded 4% in Hong Kong.