Soeryadjaya said Saratoga might acquire consumer company next month but declined to mention the name of target of company. He said Saratoga will invite other investor as the acquisition might reach more than US$90 million.

Saratoga is now managing fund of around US$600 million, of which US$120 million had been invested.Saratoga plans an IPO to raise at least US$200 million. Soeryadjaya holds 32.45% stake in Saratoga Investama Sedaya, Sandiaga holds 32.45% and PT Unitras Pertama owns 35.06%. Unitras is owned by Soeryadjaya (33.88%), Joyce Soeryadjaya Kerr (52%), and PT Saratoga Inti Perkasa (14.12%).

While Saratoga Capital claimed to have US$2 billion of assets under management with portfolio investments in natural resources, energy, infrastructure, telecommunication, and consumer goods. (