JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – The government of Indonesia has granted export licenses to 62 miners for mineral ores, Bisnis Indonesia reported this morning.

All 62 miners have complied with requirements set by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Trade Ministry.

Thamrin Sihite, general director of Energy Ministry, sad miners recomended to be listed as exporters total 99 miners, of which 20 are still in process.

Based on Energy Ministry Regulation (ESDM) No.7/2012 regarding valued added minerals issued in May 6, 2012, minerals companies are prohibitted to export minerals ores.

The minerals companies are allowed to export mineral ores if they comply with some requirements such as their mining licenses are clean and clear, to sign the integrity or commitment to not export mineral ores starting 2014 and have planned to build refining and processing plants, and to pay tax and royalty. (hans@theindonesiatoday.com)